Training & Simulation – Varjo

It’s a revolution in training.

High-precision training and simulation demands absolute visual fidelity. Because of the poor resolution of VR/XR devices on the market, until now it’s been impossible to effectively train in virtual environments.

With the world’s most advanced VR/XR products, Varjo makes it possible to realistically simulate everything from flight training to surgical training.

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Train in a completely realistic VR/XR environment.

See every detail near and far, read even the tiniest texts, and train in a completely realistic immersive environments – all thanks to the human-eye resolution of Varjo’s Bionic Display™.

Varjo’s Bionic Display™ brings the tiniest details and the big picture into never-before-seen focus. This clarity allows professionals in fields demanding extreme visual fidelity and accuracy to train in a VR/XR environment that perfectly mimics the real world.

With Varjo VR-2, VR-2 Pro and XR-1 Developer Edition, professionals like pilots, industrial engineers, heavy machinery operators and others can now train safely, effectively and remotely – with the extreme and uncompromising visual fidelity their work demands.

This immersive content was created by HTX Labs in collaboration with the US Air Force to support emergency procedure training for pilots.

Comparison images

These comparison images were shot through a competitor device and Varjo VR-2 Pro of the DCS World simulator. Varjo VR-2 and VR-2 Pro are the only devices on the market that support SteamVR content and the OpenVR development platforms at ultra-high resolution (up to 40 PPD / 4K rendering per eye).

Train at the point of need.

Traditional simulators are big, bulky, expensive and often immobile. With Varjo, you can move training to a realistic, immersive and easily portable VR/XR environment.

The ability to quickly and easily ship Varjo headsets to large numbers of people virtually anywhere in the world means multiple trainees can learn to operate aircraft, work heavy machinery, treat patients and more – at their own pace, wherever and whenever they want.

Using Varjo’s HMDs means faster, more flexible and safer training, many hours of saved time, and potentially millions in savings.

Varjo XR-1 and real-time chroma keying make building mixed reality simulation scenarios extremely cost-effective, quick and easy. In flight simulators, you can place a green canvas around the physical cockpit. Only virtual content will appear over the areas where the green color is visible.

20/20 Eye Tracker™

Train with the world’s most advanced eye tracker.

Sharpen learning curves, save time, money and even lives with Varjo’s 20/20 Eye Tracker™, the most advanced and powerful stereo eye tracker ever integrated into a VR/XR device. With an accuracy of less than one degree, 20/20 Eye Tracker™ delivers the extreme precision even the most demanding training scenarios need.

Varjo’s integrated 20/20 Eye Tracker™ tracks the eye with sub-degree accuracy.

20/20 Eye Tracker™ features

Sub-degree accuracy

Varjo’s 20/20 Eye Tracker™ is the most accurate integrated eye tracking technology the world has ever seen. Thanks to VR-1’s dual high-speed cameras, unique infrared illumination pattern approach, and highly sophisticated computer vision algorithms, it knows exactly where users are looking, with an accuracy of less than one degree of visual angle.

Power and precision

20/20 Eye Tracker™ is optimized for data analytics and user interactions in the most demanding professional environments. And it works just as precisely and accurately even when worn with glasses or contact lenses.

Works with the tools you use

The true power of 20/20 Eye Tracker™ is how easy it is for developers to use. The 20/20 Eye Tracker™ API can easily be used with existing solutions, and we also offer plugins and example code for the Unity® and Unreal® engines.

Made for professionals

Varjo’s 20/20 Eye Tracker technology is designed and developed entirely in-house, which means we’re able to develop it to meet users’ needs and wants. It’s also made to protect your privacy. The data collected by 20/20 Eye Tracker™ is always yours and yours alone – data will only be shared with the third parties you choose.

Train with the most intuitive integrated hand tracking.

VR-2 Pro comes with advanced integrated Ultraleap® (formerly Leap Motion) hand tracking technology, enabling even deeper intuitive interactions with the world’s highest-fidelity VR content.

With VR-2 Pro, you’ll experience the most stable and natural hand-tracking ever integrated into a VR headset. That means you can say goodbye to controllers and bulky add-ons and focus on interacting with the virtual environment. And our professional license covers all possible use cases.

“The cost of a VR simulator is 1/10th of the cost of building a physical simulator. And with the Varjo, the visual fidelity of our virtual simulator is finally on a level that it should be.”

Complete compatibility

Virtualizing the training and simulation workflow.

Varjo VR devices are compatible with a fast-growing collection of the world’s most popular 3D engines and software tools, now including SteamVR and OpenVR applications.

For developing your own mixed reality applications with Varjo XR-1 Developer Edition, we offer a native SDK and plugins for Unity and Unreal. If you have an existing project built with Unity® or Unreal®, it easy to port it to run on XR-1. We are also committed to support OpenXR standard.

VR-2, VR-2 Pro and XR-1 Developer Edition are shipping worldwide

Varjo VR-2, VR-2 Pro and XR-1 Developer Edition are the world’s only professional-grade VR and XR headsets, designed from top to bottom to allow training and simulation professionals to work on projects where extreme precision and visual fidelity are needed.

Now available for business purchase.

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